Feed Rat

Friday, November 26, 2010

You : Try Not To Cry !!
Me : How And U Gonna Leave
You : Its ok , u Gonna Find
Someone other
Me : Huh Other !! You : Yea
Me : Do U Believe That I Can
Find Someone Understand Me
Like YOU ??!!
You : Yea you Can :)
Me : So Leave Me Now , Cuz Even You Didn't Understand
Me !!!
“Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it is better to leave
them broken than try to hurt
yourself putting it back
together. ”
Most people say u should let go of those who
make u sad and keep who
make u happy, but what it the
1 who made u sad is the only 1
who can make u happy again ?
The day will come when you'll be mine
But I'll just wait till that time
If I have to wait forever,
that's what I'll do
Cause I can't live my life without you
One Nite A Girl And Boy Were Going In The Car
There Was Complete Silence
Both Of Them Stayed Quiet For
The Girl Thn Gave Hm A
Chit.Boy B4 Reading It Told The Girl
Dat He Wants 2 Leave Her As
He Is Losing His Interest In Her
Then Sddenly An Over Speeded Car Collided
Wid Their Car Girl Died N The Boy Survived
When The Boy Opened The Chit,
He Droppd A Tear Coz
It Was Writtn
Psychological fact: when a person cries due to
happiness, the 1st drop of tear
comes from the right eye ….but when it 1st comes from the
left, it ’s pain…do notice ….
People who meet n help each other during
their difficult times will be
frds for life... Relation bet two
strangers(turned frds) during
the wars is much much
stroger than the ppl who have been frds for 10 yrs in
happy happy world...
Hope is the most exciting thing in life and if you
honestly believe that
love is out there, it will come.
And even if it doesn't come
away there is still that chance all through your life that it
will ♥ ♥
To be broken is better than shattered..
Tell him of your strength,
never your past..
Be trustworthy, never trust..
Be cracked, never open..
At last, be a better fixed persons!!
I don't want to lose you.."
His voice was almost in a
She could feel the tears again
and she fought them back.. "But you dont want to keep
me either, do you?"
To that, he had no response..
Once again, she was just
somebody else..
It's okay if you want to limit
yourself but don't let other
people do it for you.
Time goes by a lot slower when you miss the one you
love... ♥